Mountain House Veggie Chorizo Breakfast Scramble | Freeze-Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | Gluten-Free & Vegetarian | 6-Pack
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Mountain House Veggie Chorizo Breakfast Scramble | Freeze-Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | Gluten-Free & Vegetarian | 6-Pack

Product ID: 504087895
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There's a new way to enjoy the most important meal of the day. Loaded with flavor and the perfect level of heat, the freeze-dried Mountain House Veggie Chorizo Breakfast Scramble is an expert blend of eggs, potatoes, peppers, and onions highlighted by our signature Mountain House Veggie Chorizo. This irresistable breakfast scramble is the perfect meatless way to start your day on the trail, at home, or on the road. Just add hot water and in less than 10 minutes, prepare your taste buds for an adventure of their own. Our convenient just-add-water prep in the pouch means that you have more time to do what you love, without the hassles of cooking and cleanup. The durable, lightweight pouches are easy to pack and carry. How do we do it? We use only the highest-quality ingredients and cook our meals the old-fashioned way, allowing the flavors to blend naturally. The result is home-cooked flavor, no matter where you are. Enjoy six pouches of Veggie Chorizo Breakfast Scramble in one easy to store case. Mountain House meals have been trusted by outdoor enthusiasts for over 50 years. With the longest, proven shelf life in the industry backed by our 30-Year Taste Guarantee, find comfort and peace of mind in Mountain House. From emergencies to camping to quick meals at home, Mountain House has you covered.

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