Stop Chimney Draughts The Chimsoc is an inflatable, reusable plastic balloon, designed to stop chimney draughts, reduce outside noise and reduce heat loss in your room. Stop Cold Chimney Draughts Coming Down Your Chimney Put an end to draughty rooms by installing a Chimsoc. You'll instantly feel warmer, just by stopping the draughts from coming down your chimney stack. Stop Warm Room Air Escaping Up Your Chimney It works both ways. Cold air sinks and warm air rises. This means that your warm room air is escaping up your chimney stack, every minute of every day. Reduce Outside Noise Coming Down Your Stack If you live in a noisy area, with perhaps heavy traffic, you'll get a lot of noise coming down your chimney stack. A Chimsoc is instantly going to reduce the amount of noise entering your room. How Your Chimney Works Your chimney works on very simple principles, warm air rises, and cold air sinks. This is great when you have a fire burning, enabling the smoke to escape to the atmosphere. It's not so great when you don't have a fire burning however. The same principal is still working; your warm room air is escaping up the chimney stack, and cold outside air is coming down the chimney, causing draughts. The Chimsoc is the simple yet effective answer to these problems. We've made it curved at one end as well, ensuring that you always have a little ventilation in your chimney stack. Patent Granted
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