Car Dog Cage 36" With Vet Bed Cozy Pet, Fits Most Makes Audi BMW Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Kia Jaguar Toyota Renault Vauxhall VW Volvo Puppy Crate Model CDC03 + VB36C
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Car Dog Cage 36" With Vet Bed Cozy Pet, Fits Most Makes Audi BMW Fiat Ford Honda Hyundai Kia Jaguar Toyota Renault Vauxhall VW Volvo Puppy Crate Model CDC03 + VB36C

Product ID: 50824254
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Cozy Pet Car Dog Cages are designed to safely transport your pet in almost any make of vehicle. Our range includes generic cages that will fit most brands of vehicle and custom models that are designed for specific brands. The main features are a sloping front and back panel to allow the cage to slide deep inside a boot. Two doors including an escape door on the back panel so that if your vehicle is hit in the rear you can still safely get your pet out of the cage by folding down your rear seat and exiting via the rear door. Our cages are finished in black to cut down window glare and they are fitted with strong ABS trays rather than metal trays because these are much easier to clean, do not get hot on a sunny day and are quieter to use inside a vehicle. In Designing the Cozy Pet Range of Car Dog Cages we have given a lot of thought to the main points that make this type of product easy to use, safe and practical. Note on Buying a Car Dog Cage, the first thing you should do is to sit your dog down and measure its height, if you have a puppy you could measure one of the parents or simply Google a typical seated height for your breed, then make sure which ever cage you choose is tall enough for your dog to happily sit inside. It is a common mistake made by many customers they forget all about their dog and start by measuring their vehicle. Then of course you need to carefully measure your vehicle to make sure the cage you select will fit. We give precise and detailed measurements but despite this Car Dog Cages remain amongst the most returned items we sell, simply because customers do not measure their vehicles carefully, returned items are never packed carefully and these will never be sold by us to another customer as new, as a result we now have to charge a 30% restocking fee (Please note /HMRC will retain one third of this leaving us with only 20%), please be careful to check the cage fits your pet then that it will fit your vehicle.

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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