Tending a small garden in a raised position can be a matter of preference or need, and the Kombi is the perfect answer for either. By standing or sitting, whether its age, injury or simply comfort, you can now nurture seedlings, vegetables and flowers from a position of ease. Regardless of that or if you just want to garden on your patio or deck’s hard surface, say goodbye to the up & down on your knees. Extend your growing season on both ends. Start growing in late winter and wrap up your final harvest in late fall. The panels of the cold frame are 4mm twin walled polycarbonate which resist the flow of temperature variants into and out of the growing space inside. Certain plants in early spring may still want the protection of the cold frame and its thermal panels, while other plantings are ready for the open air. The Cold Frame itself has a pre-assembled lid and is entirely enclosed within 4mm twin walled panels that restrict temperature flow enough to create a warmer interior that is conducive to an early start of the growing season. Just a few degrees make a difference. These translucent panels allow the sun’s rays to thermally penetrate the interior space even on colder cloudy days, just enough to instigate growth in most climates, before & after the normal growing seasons. In warmer or hot weather days, use the two ventilator latches to raise or lower the lid opening to four different positions. Use the locking brackets and insulation strips to attach and seal the cold frame to the base. The cold frame takes 20 minutes to snap together and attach to the base.
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