Adhesive N42 Neodymium Magnet for Arts, Crafts, Model Making, DIY, Hobbies, Office and Home - 10mm dia x 1mm - 0.58kg Pull - South - Pack of 20
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Adhesive N42 Neodymium Magnet for Arts, Crafts, Model Making, DIY, Hobbies, Office and Home - 10mm dia x 1mm - 0.58kg Pull - South - Pack of 20

Product ID: 50000918
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Product Description Pack of 2010mm diameter x 1mm thickEach magnet's north pole is on the non-adhesive face and the south pole is on the self-adhesive faceConvenient super-strong 3M 468 adhesive with easy-peel backingEach magnet can support a steel weight of up to 0.58kg vertically from the magnetic face when in flush contact with a mild steel surfaceExcellent resistance to demagnetisationCoated with three layers of nickel, copper and nickel to reduce corrosion and provide a smooth finishThese thin but powerful Neodymium self-adhesive magnets combine the performance of Neodymium with the convenience of self-adhesive making them ideal for creating fridge magnets, book and folder closures, packaging, retail displays and craft making. Remember, if using two together to attract you will need to make sure each has opposite poles on the non-adhesive side.These high-performance Neodymium magnets utilise a firm acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive that substantially increases in bond strength with natural aging. While the initial touch bond strength is enough to support the weight of the magnet, to ensure the adhesive can withstand the magnets pull strength we recommend allowing between 24 to 32 hours for the adhesive to fully cure. Box Contains 20 x 10mm dia x 1mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnets with 3M 468 Self Adhesive - South Pole Showing1 x Tough Protective Storage Container1 x Health & Safety (Safe Handling) Data Sheet

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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