SFTlite [5 Pack] Standard 4 x 6 Inch Postcard Size Magnetic Picture Frames for Fridge Set of 5 Colourful Standard Fridge Photo Frames Size Magnetic Photo Pocket
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SFTlite [5 Pack] Standard 4 x 6 Inch Postcard Size Magnetic Picture Frames for Fridge Set of 5 Colourful Standard Fridge Photo Frames Size Magnetic Photo Pocket

Product ID: 49914661
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- This set of 5 colorful magnets is an ideal way to make your places more beautiful and personal, such as: kitchen, bedroom, office cabinet, school locker, gym or other things. - It is helpful to show the good memories of you and your grandparents, parents, wife or husband, son or daughter, brother or sister, friends or pets. - The magnetic photo frame includes a fridge magnetic photo frame in 5 colors: yellow, orange, blue, pink and green. - Each magnetic photo frame is made of soft rubber, strong and durable. It can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and firmly adheres to the metal surface, such as the refrigerator. - The total size of the magnetic frame is 12 x 16.8 cm and 8 x 13 cm in the visible. It is suitable for pictures (photos, maps, information, paintings, etc.) about 10 x 15 cm. Take a vertical or horizontal photo of the above dimensions and place a photo magnet at the top of the photo above each metal surface. Read carefully before buying items: 1. These magnetic photo frames can be attached to the surface of many magnetic steels and magnetic iron. Before ordering, you must first test with other magnets in the desired position to make sure they can be attached to it. 2. These magnetic frames are placed above the photo to attach the photo. They only provide a visible area of 8cm x 13cm, so make sure your photo is the correct size.

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