1. Notice: The Gas Container should not be filled with more than 2L of liquid and do not place the plastic fuel tank near an open flame. 2. Motorcycle Auxiliary Fuel Tank is not to be used for long-term storage, for safety and to prevent accidental spillage, immediately drain gas back into an approved long-term storage container. 3. How to use: Hang the fuel tank on a stand that is higher than your bike with the hook provided with the gas tank. Then connect your bike's fuel line with the petcock of the gas tank, and turn the valve when you need the gas flow. 4. Secure gas tank has a small and compact size with a Flat lid for easy storage and stores anywhere. 5.It is handy and easy to use. For use when tuning a motorcycle with the gas tank removed. Tank can also be used for refilling transmission oil on some late model motocross bikes. -- A simple and effective solution to have an alternative gas supply especially when balancing carbs. -- Petcock is close to the carbs. When you cut it off, you don’t have three feet of fuel still running. -- Decided to get rid of the unsafe coke bottle aux tank. This fit the bill.