You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Favorite Parties [VHS]
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You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Favorite Parties [VHS]

Product ID: 49696280
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.com The Olsen twins' previous party compilation, You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Greatest Parties, featured videos handpicked by their fans. The Favorite Parties on this collection, however, were chosen by Mary-Kate and Ashley themselves. Each party features a different theme, two female friends, five songs (plus a little dancing) and outtakes at the end followed by their signature catch phrase, "It's a wrap!" Although they aren't the best singers, Mary-Kate and Ashley get the job done and always look like they're having a great time. Still, two to three songs per party theme should have been sufficient (and would have allowed for greater character and story development). The sequencing could also be better. Fashion Party (1999), which opens the compilation, is clearly the most recent as the twins are sporting makeup, blonde streaks in their newly straightened hair, and a more sophisticated dress sense. They look significantly older than in Costume Party and Campout, even though those tapes were released only a year before (1998). Younger fans, however, are likely to ignore such shortcomings in favor of the cool outfits, catchy music and, of course, the stars of the show: the adorable, relentlessly upbeat boy- and pizza-crazy Olsen twins. --Kathleen C. Fennessy From the Back Cover Mary-Kate and Ashley have had a lot of parties and now you're invited to their three favorites! Are you ready to party? Fashion Party - It's "Fashion 101" with Mary-Kate and Ashley when the first visit the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM). Join them for an exciting look behind the scenes at a spectacular fashion show. Costume Party - Get ready for a costume party you'll never forget. Put on a costume or come just as you are and join Mary-Kate and Ashley as they journey through the decades. Camp Out Party - Hey campers! Pack your tent and light your lantern because it's time to hit the trail with Mary-Kate and Ashley. Could anything be more fun than a day of rock climbing and butterfly wrangling? How about a night of marshmallow munching and spooky stories?

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