Male Pelvis w/ Prostate Model Reduced size, mid-sagittal section showing the anatomy of the pelvis and testis, includes a normal size prostate. The education card shows three prostate stages including normal and benign hypertrophy. Male Pelvis w/ 3D Prostate Model Reduced size, mid sagittal section of the male pelvis. Base displays three 3-dimensional cross-sections of the prostate gland. Sections represent stages (normal, moderate, advanced) of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Enlarged Prostate). Panel size: 8” x 2-1/2” x 1/4” Male Pelvis w/ Testicles Model Reduced size, mid-sagittal section male pelvis, shows anatomy of the pelvis and testis. Testicles showing the two most common tumors, seminoma and teratocarcinoma, are included. The two-sided education card features the male pelvis on one side and three stages of testis tumors on the second side.