Key Feature: 1, active array size: 640x480 ,global shutter. 2, output formats: 8bit RAW BW and 10 bit RAW BW. 3,Frame rate: 158fps. 4,Optical coupled isolated external trigger input and flash output support 5,Support 4 work mode: A,8 bit stream mode B,10bit stream mode C,8bit external trigger mode D,10bit external trigger mode Work on 8bit stream mode by default. 6, Software trigger input support. 7, driver feature support : gain, exposure, hflip, vflip 8, Provide GPL Linux 5.15.32 driver source code. Quick Start: step1, download from our wiki (please follow our instuction send with products) Step2, driver complier. 2.1,Install the linux kernel header by: “$sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers” 2.2,Compile the driver source code “$sudo make” 2.3,Install the driver "$sudo make install" step2, "sudo nano /boot/config.txt",add "dtoverlay=vc_mipi_ov7251" to the last line; Remark: if you use pi0, use "sudo nano /boot/config.txt",add "dtoverlay=vc_mipi_ov7251,i2c_pins_28_29=1" to the last line instead; Step3, "ls /dev/video*" Step4,Open /dev/video0 device in VLC
1 month ago
1 month ago