⚡️ Slice Through Boredom with Style! Inspired by the beloved Tsuyuri Kanawo, this sword brings anime magic to life. The high-quality wax rope grip ensures you wield your sword with confidence. Weighing only 0.85kg, it's designed for easy handling without compromising on quality. Crafted for both kids and adults, this sword is your ultimate cosplay companion. Ideal for Halloween, cosplay events, or just a fun day of play with family. Bamboo Blade Cosplay Ready 75cm Length The SHASHAYA Demon Slayer Sword is a 75cm (30in) handmade katana designed for cosplay enthusiasts of all ages. Made from a lightweight bamboo blade and featuring a durable ABS hard plastic handle, this sword is perfect for Halloween, cosplay events, or imaginative play. With its authentic design inspired by the character Tsuyuri Kanawo, it’s not just a toy; it’s a gateway to adventure!