REDNEE Dip Powder Glue Gel Liquid Set 4pcs with Base Top Coat Activator Brush Saver Essentials Kit Steps 1-4 RE00
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REDNEE Dip Powder Glue Gel Liquid Set 4pcs with Base Top Coat Activator Brush Saver Essentials Kit Steps 1-4 RE00

Product ID: 493736922
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Package Includes:1 x base gel (10ml/0.34 fl oz)1 x activator (10ml/0.34 fl oz)1 x top gel (10ml/0.34 fl oz)1 x brush saver (10ml/0.34 fl oz)How to Use:Step 1. File and shape nails.Step 2. Apply BASE, dip into the desired color powder. Step 3. Apply BASE again, dip into the color powder.Step 4. Apply ACTIVATOR and air dry for 2 minutes.Step 5. File, shape and buff nails.Step 6. Apply TOP and air dry.Step 7. Apply TOP again and air dry for 2 minutes.Tips:1. Apply top coat in quick thin strokes and let your first coat air dry before applying second coat.2. Ensure all the bottles are cleaned up properly and the caps are tightened well after use, otherwise the liquid may dry up.How to Remove:Tools needed: nail file, 10 rectangular pieces of foil, 10 cotton balls, cuticle pusher and 100% acetone.Step 1. File the top layer of the nail to remove the shiny coat.Step 2. Soak cotton balls in 100% acetone.Step 3. Place the cotton balls on top of each nail and wrap the foil around your fingers.Step 4. Wait for about 15 minutes and then remove the foil.Step 5. Push everything off with a cuticle pusher.

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