TERYDANBLE Replacement Glasses Legs For Oakley Crosslink
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TERYDANBLE Replacement Glasses Legs For Oakley Crosslink

Product ID: 492691814
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1.Suitable SKU: OX8027 OX8037 OX8111 OX8142 OX8029 OX8041 OX8117 OX3220 OX8030 OX8044 OX8118 OX3221 OX8031 OX8067 OX8136 OX3226 OX8033 OX8090 OX8141 2.Tips: TERYDANBLE our lenses are not related to Oakley in any way, and the Oakley company is not related to our store and does not endorse, sponsor, support or associated with our products. any use of Oakley trademarks is used to describe products only. 3.The purchased product does not include the frame. 4.Color difference description: There may be some color difference between the real object and the photo, and the actual object shall prevail! 5.100% customer satisfaction is our top priority, we will help everyone; answer and solve all customer problems. 6.Please contact us by email. We usually reply within 1 working day. 7.Install the rubber kit ·Pull off the old rubber kits and set them aside. ·Lubricate the frame with hand sanitizer. ·Slide the new rubber kit back onto the frame. ·Dry with a microfiber cloth. Replace your glasses with a TERYDANBLE rubber kit to give your glasses a new look.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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