
Primal 35Organic Grassfed Angus Steak Ultimate Combo Pack! 6 Total Cuts: 2-6oz Fillet Mignons, 2-12oz NY Strips, 2-12oz Ribeyes.

Product ID: 489168775


Flavor Name


🥩 Elevate Your Plate with Primal Perfection! Indulge in 100% USDA Certified Organic beef, ensuring a taste that’s as pure as it gets. Enjoy a gourmet selection with 2 Filet Mignons, 2 Ribeyes, and 2 New York Strips, perfect for any occasion. Feel good about your meal with beef sourced from sustainably raised Angus cattle in Uruguay. Experience the health benefits of grassfed beef, rich in Omega-3s and vitamins. Conveniently packed for freshness, making it easy to elevate your dining experience at home. Organic Grassfed USDA Certified Imported Premium The Primal 35 Organic Grassfed Angus Steak Ultimate Combo Pack features six premium cuts of USDA Certified Organic beef, including two 6oz Filet Mignons, two 12oz Ribeyes, and two 12oz New York Strips, all sourced from ethically raised Angus cattle in Uruguay.

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