Woolah Rare Assam Green Tea with Tulsi, Organic BAGLESS Tea Dip (2 Packs = 30 Dips /60 Cups) 100% PLASTIC FREE, Natural Whole Leaf, High EGCG anti-oxidants supports WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, Improves Skin, Good for Heart & Improves digestive health.
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Woolah Rare Assam Green Tea with Tulsi, Organic BAGLESS Tea Dip (2 Packs = 30 Dips /60 Cups) 100% PLASTIC FREE, Natural Whole Leaf, High EGCG anti-oxidants supports WEIGHT MANAGEMENT, Improves Skin, Good for Heart & Improves digestive health.

Product ID: 489103207
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About this item RARE ASSAM GREEN TEA - Whole leaf tender organic Assam tea leaves are known for their high content of natural anti-oxidants and full-bodied, refreshing exotic taste with a zing.IMPROVES OVERALL HEALTH -Assam tea contains the highest amount of ECGC - Epigallocatechin gallate - a type of catechin known for it's antioxidant properties. This helps in reducing inflammation, preventing cell damage, and aids in weight loss. 100% PLASTIC-FREE - If you're wondering how tea bags contain plastic, here's a shocking fact. A single standard teabag can release up to 11.6 billion microplastics in your cup when brewed! This can be a potential carcinogen, resproductive toxin and harful to hormonal health. That's why at Woolah, we created a revolutionary bagless tea dip - the very first of its kind, that's safe and a 100% plastic-free! CAN BE BREWED UP TO 2 TIMES - With a 5 min. brew of whole leaf tea for each cup, you can use the same Woolah tea dips to brew up to 2 times or until the flavour fades away.10x MORE FLAVOUR - Our bagless dips also ensure a burst of pure flavour in addition to being crafted to perfection with carefully hand-plucked and rolled whole leaves. WORLD'S 1ST BAGLESS TEA DIP - Our unique TrueDips contain zero plastics. They are compressed dips made with a bunch of tea leaves that lock in freshness and potent active compounds. Made from organic whole tea leaves and nothing else, they gives the purest exotic taste! Watch the magic literally unfold when you dip it into hot water and it blooms into a bunch of leaves, ensuring zero plastics in your gut and in landfills/oceans! TO BUILDING OPPORTUNI-TEAS - With a vision to create a thriving value chain that empowers a gamut of communities, Woolah's TrueDips project has generated employement for 120+ rural women in Assam. Our goal is to also reduce the use of tea-bags globally by 10,00,000 bags, by 2025.

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