Q: What is the purpose of this sign?A: To politely request that neighbors and visitors be respectful by picking up and removing their pet’s waste from your lawn or yard.Q: My sign is not as shiny as the picture and has a dull sheen to it?A: Your sign has been shrink wrapped for protection during shipping. This is a thin film that should be removed (peeled off) before use.Q: Is this sign UV and weather resistant?A: Most definitely. We use an automotive grade paint that protects your sign just like the paint on your car. You can count on eight years before it even starts to show any signs of fading.Q: Why is the sign embossed?A: There are two reason for embossing. First, it increases the sign’s strength three-fold making it more rigid and less susceptible to bending. Second, the embossing raises the image and text making it more noticeable.Q: Where can I use my new sign?A: Most customers will post their sign close to where they see piles being left for them. Typically this is close to the street at the front or rear end of their lawn. If your yard is fenced in, the fence itself is the perfect place to mount your sign. Alternatively, you can mount the sign to a stake and drive it into the ground.Q: How do I mount the sign?A: There are two ¼” pre-drilled holes on the top and bottom of the sign that are 10” on center. Simply use screws that are appropriate for the material you are mounting to.Buy it Now - click the ADD TO CART button above!
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