POWERTEC Extendable Floor and Wall Roller for Vinyl Flooring, Tile & Linoleum Roller with Extendable 17" to 27" Handle, 7.5" Wide for LVP, Veneer, Carpet, Wall Coverings, 1PK (71033V)
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POWERTEC Extendable Floor and Wall Roller for Vinyl Flooring, Tile & Linoleum Roller with Extendable 17" to 27" Handle, 7.5" Wide for LVP, Veneer, Carpet, Wall Coverings, 1PK (71033V)

Product ID: 485792545
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Introducing the Heavy Duty 27-Inch Extendible Roller by POWERTEC. This premium extendible roller tool is designed to provide optimal leverage for many of your roller-based project applications. It is ideal for anyone needing to roll any wall or flooring applications including carpets, vinyl flooring, linoleum, wall coverings or almost any other material. Showcasing a premium, heavy-duty design, this handy rolling tool boasts highly impressive specs and an assortment of useful features, including: Versatile handle that extends from 17 to 27 Non Slip finish for easy maneuvering and control, even under heavy pressure Die-cast second handle for even more leverage when you need it Segmented floating rolling design for uneven surfaces Inset axle and non-marking rollers ensure tools wont scuff walls Compact and lightweight 7.5 wide design allows it to fit into most toolboxes Eccentric cam design allows for fast, consistent handle locking POWERTEC is a US based leading manufacturer of high quality woodworking machines, wood work accessories, and a wide assortment of OEM replacement parts. We are committed to exceeding expectations, while bringing the best innovations, technologies, and product development to the industry.

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