Jumble Dream Busy Cube Sensory Toy is a Handmade Montessori Fidget Cube for Learning - Wooden Activity Cubes for Travel & Children with Autism and ADHD
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Jumble Dream Busy Cube Sensory Toy is a Handmade Montessori Fidget Cube for Learning - Wooden Activity Cubes for Travel & Children with Autism and ADHD

Product ID: 485603923
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The Jumble Board from Jumble Dream is a sensory inspired busy board toy, made with high quality wood, it's is a great educational toy for toddlers, babies older children to play with whilst traveling or at home! The Montessori toy modules are assembled into one compact, travel friendly and robust activity board, making it the perfect eco fidget toy for any young boy or girl. The activity board includes fidget spinner, pop lock, shoelaces, spinning wheel, keychain lock & key, music box, wheel cogs, egg timer with convenient carry handle. The sensory elements make the board a great option for those with autism as they explore the fidget board! The wooden fidget preschool toy is based upon the System of early learning of Maria Montessori. Ms. Montessori proved that routine, daily exercises are essential for children’s brain work activation. The main task of the autism toys is to enable the child to learn the world through tactile perception. Thus, our busy board is perfect for early development and learning of the following skills: - Fine motor skills - Logic - Imagination - Movements coordination The wooden sensory board is perfect for toddlers and children and will keep them entertained and engaged for hours! The Montessori toy is a great travel companion to keep your toddler distracted whilst on the move. We think the wooden sensory toys are the perfect environmentally friendly alternative to the plastic sensory toys whilst still providing plenty of engaging entertainment. We know fidget toys will be a great gift idea for kids this Christmas but we want parents and carers to consider the higher quality, wooden alternative!

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