WillPowder Ultratex 3, Thickening Function, 16-Ounce Jar
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WillPowder Ultratex 3, Thickening Function, 16-Ounce Jar

Product ID: 4845976
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WillPowder Story: Chef Will Goldfarb is widely known as the ‘Golden Boy’ of pastry and has worked in the kitchens of famous names such as Ferran Adria, Tetsuya Wakuda, Paul Liebrandt and Morimoto. He received the Starchef “Rising Star” award and earned a James Beard nomination for Best Pastry Chef in America. In addition to this, he was regarded in Ferran Adria’s recent book, Food for Art, Art for Food, as one of the world’s leading modern chefs and was identified in Lisa Abend’s book, The Sorcerer’s Apprentices, as one of the finest chefs in the world to pass through the El Bulli kitchen. In 2006, he ventured out on his own to open the critically acclaimed Room4Dessert in New York which offered an Avant garde menu of edible dessert cocktails, plated desserts and wine pairings. Together with New York University’s Chemistry and Food Studies Department, he also founded The Experimental Cuisine Collective, an interdisciplinary network at the nexus of food, science, and social network. Now residing in Bali, Chef Will directs the pastry program at KU DE TA where his brand of cuisine blends the finest elements of cutting edge gastronomy with traditional techniques/flavors creating delicious, imaginative preparations using local and sustainable products. Room4Dessert is now open in Bali with it's own cookbook!Chef Will developed WillPowder specialty pastry powders for experienced, professional chefs as well as novice home cooks wanting a reliable source for the best pure ingredients allowing creation of differing textures and flavors in dishes. He has spent the better part of a decade scouring the world for the best products from the world's most innovative chefs. WillPowders are the new kitchen staples for producing foams, clouds, airs, fruit caviar, hot gelatins, and more with specialty technical additive products for gelification, spherification, emulsification, effervescense, deconstructing or thickening. Have fun experimenting with Molecular Gastronomy!

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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