Great for bonsai or just as a miniature tree. The plant you will receive is similar to the second photo. Even in winter, without leaves, Ulmus parvifolia ‘Seiju’ has a fascinating appearance. Buds along the plant’s many short, twiggy shoots look like strands of jewels, as do the green leaves when they emerge. Older stems develop exfoliating bark. Use the small, slow-growing, high-interest plant in rock garden, container or small bed to provide an Asian aesthetic. Prefers full to part sun and moist, well-drained soil. Pinch off growing tips to create a more bushy tree. Expensive bonsai tools not required. Allow to remain cold (below 40F) but above freezing in winter. Hardy Zones 5-10 Mature Size: 12" height x 12" width Starter plant growing in a 2.5" pot, dormant in winter
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