Bhanvi :-Ancient India made the use of earthenware for storing water and for cooking food. With changing times and technology, the use of earthen cookware has diminished. Glancing over the benefits of earthen cookware will help us know why our ancestors were so healthy and wise. Non-Toxic MaterialClay contains about 40% of natural water and minerals like Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, and Calcium. Hence earthenware which is made up of clay is non-toxic and rich.Porous Nature of ClayAs clay is porous in nature, it enhances the cooking process. The heat and moisture are allowed to circulate throughout the food. Hence the overall cooking process is slowed down. Though the food is cooked slowly, it avoids burning of the dishes. This means that you have to be a little more patient while your food is being cooked in an earthen cookware.Authentic Flavourful FoodThough food will be served late to you, the dishes will be rich in flavour. This is because all the aroma and moisture stays in the food, thus enhancing the flavour of the dish. Meat cooked in earthenware is tender, juicy and rich in taste along with an earthy flavour.Health Benefits of Cooking in EarthenwareCooking in earthen cookware ensures inferior usage of oil for cooking. Thus it reduces the fat contents in your meal and the minerals included in clay improve the nutrition of the food.Preserves the natural taste of foodVery easy to use & washVariety of health benefitsMicrowave SafeUse for Serving & CookingHow to use Before you start cooking in the cooker pan, fill the pan with water or buttermilk for 2 days, which gives the pan better strength.
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