Replace your dried out and damaged rubber wellnuts with a fresh set from Omonic. These are the common larger M6 metric wellnuts that are found on most any Japanese bike, BMW or Ducati. The M6 wellnut is usually found attaching bottom fairings together or used to mount the upper fairing. The smaller M5 wellnut is usually used for attaching the windscreen. If you have a slightly larger wellnut chances are it's this M6 wellnut. Well-nuts typically do not last for the life of your machine and should be replaced periodically if dried out and cracked. Wellnuts are used as bodywork and windshield soft mount on a motorcycle, snowmobile, or other high vibration machines. Sizing & Dimensions We find most windscreen mounts need 5mm well nuts and fairing pieces commonly use both 5mm and 6mm. To determine if your stock well nut is an 4mm, 5mm or 6mm just measure the diameter of the screw threads that fit the well nut. As your old well nuts may be distorted and torn you must often measure the screw diameter to determine the correct wellnut size. Specs on all Desmoparts M4, M5, M6, and M8 well nuts: M4 Metric Well Nut specs: Overall Height: 12.67mm (0.499") Barrel Diameter: 7.92mm (0.312") Flange Diameter: 11.13mm (0.438") Flange Height: 1.32mm (0.052") M5 Metric Well Nut specs: Overall Height: 16.89mm (0.665") Barrel Diameter: 9.53mm (0.375") Flange Diameter: 14.27mm (0.562") Flange Height: 1.02mm (0.040") M6 Metric Well Nut specs: Overall Height: 16.00mm (0.630") Barrel Diameter: 12.70mm (0.500") Flange Diameter: 16.00mm (0.630") Flange Height: 1.30mm (0.051")
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