The bottle contains 10mls. Photo is to show any natural variation, priced individually. The bottle will contain both herb & oilUsed to render enemies harmlessPerfect for use in spells, charm & Mojo bags, added to incense. Also very useful for anointing candles & altar tools. This oil is pur so can even be used on the body or added to bath water for a Sacred ritual bath.In my magickal oils I only use high quality Organic/wild crafted Herbs & Resins, barks, seeds & berries. All the ingrediants have been ethically collected so many of our suppliers are fair trade merchants. The ingrediants are free of pesticides and herbicides, and are not fumigated or irradiated, ensuring that their energies are pure & very powerful indeed.  Belladonna , also known as Deadly Nightshade, Devil's Cherries, Naughty Man's Cherries, Devil's Herb, Great Morel and Dwayberry, has graced history as both a poison and a medicine. The genus part of the name, Atropa, is derived from Atropos, the eldest of the Greek Fates, who held the shears which cut the thread of human life. This is obviously in relation to its highly poisonous nature. The species name,belladonna, is translated as beautiful lady, referring to the practise of Venitian women who used belladonna to dilate their pupils, thus making them more attractive.  A combination of natural and supernatural energies working together for healing, transformation and evolutionary change. All the equipment is steralised to ensure that no contamination what so ever can occur.
3 weeks ago
5 days ago