Little Helper FunPod Toddler Tower | Learning Tower | Kitchen Helper Tower | Step Stool to Reduce Accidents in The Home (Natural with Chalkboard Panels)
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Little Helper FunPod Toddler Tower | Learning Tower | Kitchen Helper Tower | Step Stool to Reduce Accidents in The Home (Natural with Chalkboard Panels)

Product ID: 48180356
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Product Description The Child Accident Prevention Trust remind us that 5 children die in accidents every week whilst over 2,000 are admitted to hospital with a kitchen. A large proportion of these accidents occur in the home involving under 5's as they try to get involved with kitchen-related activities and employ precarious methods to get up to adult level at the worktop. Short of standing your toddler on a chair or sitting them on a worktop, getting them involved in the kitchen is a nerve-wracking and anxious experience for most parents. The multi award-winning FunPod from Little Helper provides a safe environment to get your toddlers up to the worktop on their own safely constructed platform to help, interact, learn and play.Between the ages of one and five years, children form their habits and opinions that mould their later lives. This is an essential time to get them involved in the whole food experience, giving them the necessary life skills needed for a healthy lifestyle. Children are more likely to experiment with food and try new things if they've had a hand in preparing it.In our busy and hectic lives, finding a spare hour to spend some quality time with our toddlers can be difficult. The FunPod gives freedom to spend some quality time with our little ones WHILST preparing lunch or dinner.This FunPod Chalky has two blackboard sides so that you have not just a practical safety device but also a space for your little Picassos to unleash their creativity. And it gives mum somewhere to write her shopping list! Box Contains 1 X FunPod

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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