Pureborn Organic Natural Bamboo Baby Disposable Diapers-From 11 to 18 Kg - 44 pcs_Pineapple Print_Value Pack_Premium Super Soft_ Maximum Leakage protection_Eco friendly Nappies_New born Essentials
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Pureborn Organic Natural Bamboo Baby Disposable Diapers-From 11 to 18 Kg - 44 pcs_Pineapple Print_Value Pack_Premium Super Soft_ Maximum Leakage protection_Eco friendly Nappies_New born Essentials

Product ID: 481160110
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Our nappies are made with organic pulp. They are free from harmful chemicals and intended for use by babies and toddlers up to 2 & 1/2 years of age pure born eco organic baby nappies are ultra soft, with a cloth like feel to provide maximum comfort for the babies. They are made with unbleached fibres in the core layer and soft non woven fabric on both top and bottom layers to provide the best comfort and protection on the most sensitive skin. Nothing is more delicate than your baby's bottom and protecting it requires products that are gentle and free of harsh chemicals. Experiencing nappy rash can be painful for babies, therefore it is wise to take preventative measures to ensure no harsh irritants are rubbing against your baby's precious skin. Pure born nappies are the perfect solution for painful nappy rashes. We have replaced much of the plastic materials you find in standard nappies, with sustainable materials that are not only kinder to your baby's skin but also helps to protect the future resources of our world the nappy's absorbent core is made with organic pulp and super absorbent polymer (sap), which makes them ultra absorbent and helps to absorbs maximum moisture. Each nappy contains up to 43% organic pulp. The used in our nappies is sourced from an fsc certified, managed forest. The nappy's back sheet (outer layer of our nappy) is made with a breathable nonwoven fabric, which regulates the flow of air. The top sheet (between baby's bum and the absorbent core) is made with soft nonwoven fabric. It protects your baby from painful rashes. the nappy's elastic leg cuffs and stretchy side panels have been designed to ensure a snug fit and superior performance. the nappy packaging material used by us is chosen thoughtfully, keeping the environment in mind. It is made with bio hybrid plastic, containing 40% less petrochemicals than the standard plastic packaging bags.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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