Tetra Easy Balance - 100ml
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Tetra Easy Balance - 100ml

Product ID: 47985206
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Product description Reduces the need for frequent water changes, by creating and maintaining a healthy, balanced environment. Refreshing aquarium water is an essential part of good fishkeeping, and is necessary in order to keep your fish healthy. Traditionally, the only way to do this was through time-consuming regular partial water changes. Now this is no longer necessary, as EasyBalance can replace the refreshing action of a water change. By using EasyBalance, you can reduce the frequency of water changes to a minimum of once every 6 months. How to UseAdd EasyBalance to the aquarium at a rate of 2.5ml per 10litres (2 gallons) every week, to replace regular water changes. Perform a 50% water change, using tap water conditioned with AquaSafe, at least once every 6 months. When using EasyBalance, ensure that the aquarium is properly aerated. EasyBalance is only suitable for use in mature tanks, with a fully functioning filter. It is still important to keep the gravel clean while using EasyBalance, through occassional siphoning with a TetraTec GC gravel cleaner. Directions Add EasyBalance to the aquarium at a rate of 2.5ml per 10litres (2 gallons) every week, to replace regular water changes. Perform a 50% water change, using tap water conditioned with AquaSafe, at least once every 6 months. When using EasyBalance, ensure that the aquarium is properly aerated. EasyBalance is only suitable for use in mature tanks, with a fully functioning filter. It is still important to keep the gravel clean while using EasyBalance, through occasional siphoning with a TetraTec GC gravel cleaner. Use Tetra Easy Balance to help avoid frequent water changes and to keep water fresh for up to 6 months, whilst promoting the health and wellbeing of aquatic livestock and plants. Easy Balance also helps control phosphate and nitrate levels, helping to substantially reduce algae.

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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