Banpresto Super Saiyan Son G o k u : 16cm Burning Fighters Statue Figurine Vol.2 Bundle with 1 D.B. Theme Compatible Trading Card (18389)
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Banpresto Super Saiyan Son G o k u : 16cm Burning Fighters Statue Figurine Vol.2 Bundle with 1 D.B. Theme Compatible Trading Card (18389)

Product ID: 477316249
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Son G o k u  (孫 悟空) is the main protagonist of the media franchise. He first made his debut as an eccentric, monkey-tailed boy who practices martial arts and possesses superhuman strength. Initially believed to have been born on Earth, he later learns that he is a member of an extraterrestrial warrior race called the Saiyans, which is also the reason for his superhuman strength, and his birth name is Kakarrot (カカロット). As he grows up, he becomes the Earth's mightiest warrior and protects his adopted home planet from those who seek to harm it. Super Saiyan (超スーパーサイヤ人じん) is an advanced transformation assumed by members and hybrids of the Saiyan race with sufficient amounts of S-Cells in the anime/manga franchise, though there have also been occurrences of other races or individuals taking on their own versions of the form.

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