MYCARBON Travel Money Belt RFID Against Invisible Theft Secret Wallet Hidden Under Clothes Belt Wallet Security Travel Pouch
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MYCARBON Travel Money Belt RFID Against Invisible Theft Secret Wallet Hidden Under Clothes Belt Wallet Security Travel Pouch

Product ID: 474369827
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MYCARBON Travel RFID Money Belt with Flap bag hidden design. Security RFID blocking fabric + Flap bag hidden design. The RFID blocking fabric block any connection to a contactless charge machine. Not also with the design of thinness and lightweight, even if you wear thin clothes, pickpockets and thieves are difficult to find this travel money wallet. And with Flap bag hidden design, This travel pouch can provide a higher level of safety, The only person who knows it is there will be you. Material High-quality 88% nylon+12% spandex, with the properties of lightweight, waterproof and anti-tear, This waterproof bumbag can satisfy your outdoor activities (as jogging, hiking, traveling, hiking, cycling, sports activities, etc ...). Besides, the back is the design of perspiration and ultra-soft breathable mesh, possessing excellent comfort. Multi Pattern Waist Pouch There are four secure pouches. These separation of pockets makes this hidden money belt much easier to quickly access all you need at a moment's notice so as not to blow your cover. One large pocket at the front that can hold your phone and wallet, it has a inner pocket which can help you separate different valuables. The large hidden pouch is exactly the right size for your passport, it has tree slots are perfectly suited for your bankcards. Between the breathable mesh of the back and nylon, there two small pocket, you can put more valuables. Strong and Adjustable elastic strap The waist range of travel waist bag is from 64-130cm (without stretching), fit almost all the people. Even if you exercise vigorously, you don't worry that it will fall. Note: MYCARBON waist pack was made of the RFID blocking fabric,recommend you clean it by using a damp cloth to wipe off the stains on the surface

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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