Daily calorie information per person: Adult male: 2300Kcal/day 4 packs/day 570Kcal*4packs=2280Kcal Adult female: 2000Kcal/day (3 packs + 1 piece)/day 570Kcal*3packs+(570Kcal/2 pieces) = 1995Kcal 16-19 year old male youth: about 3000 calories in the important growth stage of the body, 5 packs/day 15-18 year old female youth: about 2500 calories in the important growth stage of the body, 3 packs + 1 piece) / day Children (4-7 years old) Multi-vitamin biscuits 614Kcal/pack 4-7 years old 1400 Kcal -1800Kcal (3 packs)/day Similar to adults after 8 years old How to eat: Breakfast: It is recommended to boil hot water into a paste; lunch and dinner: direct drinking + local drinking water Distribution suggestion: It is recommended to distribute by family as a unit, which will be simpler. This is a 120g*12 pack of super energy cookies with a total energy of 6840 calories. It comes in an eco-friendly reusable packaging box that can be reused in your life. Great for traveling and camping with friends and family. This will be a great emergency reserve when you get into trouble outside.
1 week ago
1 month ago