NurturBruno Baby/Kids 3-in-1 Car Seat, Slim & Comfy Design - 4 Positions Recline 5-Point Safety Harness - 143° Angle 0 months to 7 years (Group 0+/1/2), Upto 25kg
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NurturBruno Baby/Kids 3-in-1 Car Seat, Slim & Comfy Design - 4 Positions Recline 5-Point Safety Harness - 143° Angle 0 months to 7 years (Group 0+/1/2), Upto 25kg

Product ID: 467349151
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The majority of car seats bounce continuously on bumpy roads, get stuck while reclining the backrest, and have a hard, thin cushions. Would you want a car seat with a robust shock absorber, four steps of recline, a strong safety belt, and a comfy seat with a thick cushion? This car seat is the most budget friendly with the most features. The Nurtur Bruno Car Seat’s includes "Side Impact Protection," in the event that your car swerves off the road, the side protection ensures that your baby/kid does not contact the doors or anything sharp. When buying a car seat, most parents don't think about reclining. It can, however, be a useful quality, especially in the early years, because it makes sleeping and nursing easier. Bruno car seat has 143 degree recline. It also goes a step farther than typical vehicle seats in that it reclines the entire seat, not just the backrest. This not only enhances comfort by putting the baby's body in a more natural posture but also expands your reclining. The removable 5-point safety harness of the travel car seat is designed to keep your child safe and secure on-road journeys. To reduce the danger of injury in the event of an accident, it is secured around the waist, crotch, and shoulders. By simultaneously pressing a button and pulling the harness to the point of pulling the front strap to tighten, the harness can be relaxed and tightened, ensuring a secure fit every time! This car seat's seat belt latch attachment is unique in that it allows for a quick, one-second attachment to the seat belt with an audible click to assure secure installation. Easy installation of vehicle seat belts thanks to an integrated belt lock-off. Many parents consider car seats to be a necessity, and we believe it's vital that you trust them to endure as long as possible once you've chosen one. As your child grows, the need for a new car seat may become apparent. The car seat is a multi-stage car seat that can accommodate a baby as well as an older child. The Nurtur Bruno car seat can hold youngsters up to 25 kilograms! This indicates that it is a vehicle seat that will grow with them. You child is interest in other colors? Scroll down below to find out more options.

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