1. According to the ISO 22810:2010 standard, the Amazfit Band 7 achieves a rating of 5 ATM, for a water-resistance of up to 50 meters, and is therefore suitable for splashes, snow, showering, swimming, or some high-speed water sports. It has passed third-party testing conducted by SGS, and the report number is SWT2205-46. 2.The HUNT Fitness Study indicates that people who maintain a PAI score of 100 or higher show lower risk of hypertension, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes. HUNT Fitness Study: This study was conducted by Professor Ulrik Wisloff of the Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. It lasted for more than 35 years and had more than 230,000 participants. To use this function, all-day heart rate monitoring must be enabled.
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