Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos - 16.9 fl oz - Low Sodium Soy Sauce Alternative, Low-Glycemic - Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Kosher - Keto, Paleo - 101 Total Servings
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Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos - 16.9 fl oz - Low Sodium Soy Sauce Alternative, Low-Glycemic - Organic, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Kosher - Keto, Paleo - 101 Total Servings

Product ID: 4648429
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Coconut Amino make a great substitute for soy sauces. Coconut Amino have many benefits over soy-based sauces, including 14 times the amino acid content. Many soy sauces on the market are fermented by first soaking the soybeans in water and salt, and then adding specific cultures of molds, yeasts and bacteria to help catalyze the fermentation process. Coconut Amino is made from coconut tree sap, which comes right out of the tree so that vital, active and alive nutrients are blended with sun dried mineral-rich sea salt and aged, without the need for a fermentation booster or added water. Health Secrets of Coconut Amino: When the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a highly nutrient-rich "sap" that exudes from the coconut blossoms. This sap is very low glycemic (GI of only 35), is an abundant source of amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral PH The "Gran Moluccas Sea Salt" used in our Coconut Amino, garners its name from the exotic, tropical island of Mindanao, the 2nd largest island in the Philippines. A local culinary heritage in Mindanao, this unbleached, unrefined, naturally white sea salt, is fed only by the sun and the sea. It is hand-harvested by local salt producers working as their forefathers did, in their ancestral salt fields. Recipe Tips: Use Coconut Amino like soy sauce in dressings, marinades, sautés, and with sushi. Refrigerate after opening. "We love it so much we pour it over almost everything!" Coconut Amigos seasoning sauce is gluten free, contains 65% less sodium than soy sauce, is USDA organic, vegan and non-go.

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