Upyoga neck massager, a machine for the cervical shoulder is basically for the people who suffer from the "pinched nerve" which usually occurs when a nerve in the neck is compressed or irritated. This also causes numbness and weakness in the shoulder, and the arms, even in the muscles. For the unbearable pain in the shoulder, Arms and muscles here is the neck massager, machine for you. The Upyoga has the neck rollers over there which massage your muscles at the spot like your shoulder or arms. The rollers work in forward and backward movement, which covers full body massage which the specific muscles pain areas like shoulder, thighs and back. It has heated kneading nodes which are ergonomic and does deep kneading over the muscles. Upyoga has strength adjustment with grip from where it would be easy for the user to access the functions of the control panel while holding the neck massager like heat function, on/off switch, reverse feature and intensity level. It is compact & foldable which helps you to hold the grip with positioning handles. Upyoga has the soothing infrared heat which releases the muscles pain, numbness and weakness. This product is made up of mesh fabric with an ergonomic design which makes you hold the grip with comfort.