Huco 236.50.Z Size 50 Replacement Torque Disc for Oldham Coupling, Zero-Backlash, Acetal, Inch, 1.97" OD
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Huco 236.50.Z Size 50 Replacement Torque Disc for Oldham Coupling, Zero-Backlash, Acetal, Inch, 1.97" OD

Product ID: 46218176
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This Huco replacement torque disc is the central disc of an Oldham coupling used to compensate for angular misalignment. The disc slides on the tenons of each hub, which are orientated 90 degrees apart, to transmit torque. It is made of acetal for flexural strength and resistance to fatigue and mates with the hubs for zero backlash. This torque disc has a maximum rotational speed of 3,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) and an operating temperature range of -20 to +60 degree C. Flexible couplings are used to link two rotating shafts that are not aligned in order to transmit the rotational power, known as torque, from one shaft to the other. Most flexible couplings consist of two hubs and a middle assembly; each hub attaches to a shaft while the middle assembly flexes between the hubs to accommodate the misalignment of the two shafts. Shaft misalignments are generally either parallel or angular and cause complications to transmitting rotational power from one shaft to another in the form of stresses, loads, vibrations, and other forces, which vary from one type of misalignment to another. Flexible couplings are used in a broad range of applications, such as in motor vehicles, conveyors, escalators, agricultural, forestry and mining equipment, aeronautics, robotics and space exploration, among others.Huco Dynatork manufactures motion control and power transmission products, and assembly components. The company, founded in 1965, is headquartered in Hertford, England.

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