Tassimo T disc/Capsules 37 Flavours (46 T-Discs)
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Tassimo T disc/Capsules 37 Flavours (46 T-Discs)

Product ID: 460654996
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Coffee: 1. Carte Noire Espresso Intense: 2. Carte Noire Columbia: strength: 5. Cup Size: 120 ml 3. Carte Noire Crema Intenso: strength: 5. Cup Size: 195 ml 4. Carte Noire decaffeinated Expresso: strength: 3. Cup Size: 60 ml 5. Carte Noire Expresso: strength: 3. Cup Size: 60 ml. Cup Size: 60 ml 6. Carte Noire Kenya: strength: 6 Cup Size: 120 ml 7. Carte Noire Cappuccino: Cup Size: 160 ml (+ Creamer) 8. Carte Noire Latte Macchiato: Cup Size: 220 ml (+ Creamer) 9. Carte Noire Latte Macchiato Caramel: Cup Size: 275 ml (+ Creamer) 10. Carte Noire Crème Brulee: Cup Size: 120 ml (+ Creamer) 11. Carte Noire Petit Dejeuner: strength: 3. 215 ml 12. Costa Cappuccino: 215 ml (+ Creamer) 13. Costa Americano: strength: 4. 220 ml 14. Costa Latte: 325 ml (+ Creamer) 15. Jacobs Caff? Crema Intenso 17. Jacobs Medaille D 'Or: strength: 3. 150 ml 18. Jacobs Monarch: strength: 3.130 ml 19. Jacobs Latte Less Sweet 20. Kenco Caffe Crema: strength: 4. 215 ml 21. Kenco Medium Roast: strength: 3. 180 ml 22. Kenco Pure Columbian: strength: 4. 215 ml 23. Jacobs Ristretto 24. Jacobs Espresso 25. Milka 26. Costa Latte Caramel 27. Creamer: 120 ml 28. Cafe Hag: 140 ml tea: 29. Twinings English Breakfast Tea: 195 ml 30. Twinings Etoile de Russie tea: 200 ml 31. Twinings Chai Latte Tea: 240 ml (+ Creamer) 32. Twinings Green Tea & Mint Tea: 200 ml 33. Twinings Fruits of the Forrest: 200 ml 34. Twinings Earl Grey: 200 ml 35. Twinings apres Midi D 'Orient: 200 ml 36. Twinings Chai Latte Lemongrass: 245 ml Chocolate: 37. Suchard: 175 ml (+ Creamer).

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