Maggi Granulated Beef Bouillon adds a burst of beef flavor to your everyday homemade dishes. Maggi granulated bouillon comes in a powder formula that dissolves faster and is easy to use. The instant beef broth bouillon is perfect for preparing everything from delicious soups, rice, pastas and beans to stews, meats, vegetables and more. For liquid based recipes, simply stir 1 teaspoon of granulated bouillon into 1 cup of boiling water until dissolved to make 1 cup of beef stock. To marinate meat, make rice, stews or vegetables, just add 1 teaspoon of Maggi Granulated Beef Flavor Bouillon directly to ingredients until completely dissolved. Comes in a resealable container for freshness. Use it recipe after recipe. Maggi beef bouillon granules contain 10 calories per serving, see nutrition information for sodium content. One 7.9 oz bottle of Maggi Granulated Beef Flavor Bouillon Beef granules add a burst of beef flavoring to homemade dishes Use granulated beef bouillon to prepare soups, rice, beans, stews, pastas, meats, vegetables and more Stir 1 teaspoon of Maggi bouillon into 1 cup of boiling water until dissolved for beef soup base A staple in Latin American pantries! A quick and easy way to add a burst of beef flavor to your everyday homemade dishes Each serving of beef flavor bouillon soup base contains 10 calories, see nutrition information for sodium content Keep in a cool, dry place SNAP and EBT Eligible item
1 week ago
1 week ago