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The Honey Pot Company, Silicone Menstrual Cup, BPA Free, Size 1 for Light-Medium flow, 1ct
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The Honey Pot Company, Silicone Menstrual Cup, BPA Free, Size 1 for Light-Medium flow, 1ct

Product ID: 458866523
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The Honey Pot Company, Silicone Menstrual Cup, BPA Free, Size 1 for Light-Medium flow, 1ct If tampons or pads aren't your "cup" of tea, try our menstrual cup. A convenient, sustainable alternative that's good for you and mother earth. They can be worn longer than tampons or pads which can make them more convenient for overnight use, traveling, or for those with a heavier flow. Our cups can hold roughly twice the amount of a super-absorbent tampon or pad, offer 12-hour protection, and are approved for overnight wear. Reusable cups can also save you money over pads or tampons after just three cycles. Our menstrual cup is made with medical-grade silicone and is free from latex and phthalates. Best of all, it can be reused over and over again! Our menstrual or period cup is a small, flexible, and funnel/bell-shaped cup, that can be inserted into the vagina to hold menstrual blood. A finger indentation and grip are used for easy removal. Learning how to insert a menstrual cup can take a little practice, but each cup comes with instructions for insertion. If you keep your menstrual cup clean and cared for, it can be used for up to 1 year. Our cups come in two sizes to ensure a comfortable fit and complete protection. Size #1 is for a light-to-medium flow. We offer a second size #2 that is more comfortable and works for those who have a heavier flow. A message from Bea Dixon, Founder of The Honey Pot Company Plant-derived feminine care™ from my kitchen to your hands – I was suffering with bacterial vaginosis for 8 months when an ancestor came to me in a dream and gifted me with a vision to heal myself. With her help I created The Honey Pot to solve for what other brands wouldn't - feminine care powered by herbs® that is backed by science, clinically tested and gynecologist-approved. The Honey Pot Company provides humans with the tools and resources that promote health and wellness. Made by humans with vaginas, for humans with vaginas. Because it takes one to know one. The Honey Pot Company, Menstrual Cup, Size 1 for Light-Medium flow, 1ct. 12-hour protection that is approved for overnight wear A convenient and sustainable alternative that's good for you and the earth Dermatologist-approved Option for two sizes to ensure a comfortable fit and complete protection Finger grip for easy removal

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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