
Ninja® Fit Personal Single-Serve Blender, Two 16-oz. Cups, QB3000SS

Product ID: 458326032


Take a big step towards nutrition and health with help from this Ninja® Fit Personal Blender. This compact blender has Ninja® Pulse Technology to quickly create smoothies, nutrient-rich juices and so much more. Extract hidden nutrition from whole fruits and veggies by blending whole fruits and vegetables, including portions that are usually discarded. Break down fresh or frozen fruits, veggies, and ice into smooth, nutrient-rich beverages. Starting a new diet and eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. It comes with two 16 oz. cups that are ideal to take on the go with Spout lids that fit in most car cup holders. The cups, blades, and lids are dishwasher safe. * Simple-to-use 700-watt power pod, just push down to blend. * Includes two 16-oz. Ninja Cups and two Spout Lids for easy sipping on the go. * Blade assembly allows for nutrient extraction* and frozen blending. * Cups, blade assembly, and lids are dishwasher safe. * Recipe inspiration guide to get you started. * *Extract a drink containing vitamins and nutrients from whole fruits and vegetables.

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