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Bag Balm Vermont's Original Skin Moisturizer, Moisturizing Ointment for Dry Skin, 8 Ounce Tin
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Bag Balm Vermont's Original Skin Moisturizer, Moisturizing Ointment for Dry Skin, 8 Ounce Tin

Product ID: 457258063
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Since 1899, Bag Balm has been the farmer's friend, moisturizing and softening severely dry, chapped skin caused by working outside in the harsh environment of Vermont's rugged the Northeast Kingdom. Lanolin-enriched Bag Balm is highly effective for moisturizing severely dry skin than can crack, split, or chafe. Bag Balm's tried and true formula goes to work immediately, and it lasts.Bag Balm is used by trainers, cyclists, runners, marathoners, hikers, skiers, surfers, gardeners, crafters, and participants alike.With its simple ingredients, no perfumes or dyes, Bag Balm works hard year-round and works wonders! Bag Balm Vermont's Original Skin Moisturizer, Moisturizing Ointment for Dry Skin that can Crack Split or Chafe on Hands Feet Elbows Knees Shoulders and More, 8 Ounce Tin: For best results, rub into the skin thoroughly and allow Bag Balm to remain for a full moisturizing and softening effect Our formula has stood the test of time Vermont's Original Bag Balm Skin Moisturizer provides the protection you already rely on. Apply it to heels, elbows, lips, hands, feet, knees anywhere else needing protection and repair from chapping, chafing cracking, especially in winter months Bag Balm can be used daily or as needed and because a little goes a long way, this tin will get you through your driest, harshest weather! We have heard from thousands of users over the years, everyone from ultra-runners, marathoners, parents pet-owners, even makeup artists and tattoo artists! The versatility of Bag Balm goes on and on DRY, CRACKED SKIN Nobody likes dry, cracked skin; enter Bag Balm. Bag Balm Hand Body heals, moisturizes and protects the skin around the clock. For hands, feet, elbows, knees, or anywhere in between, use the skin treatment that has worked for over 120 years PRO-TIP Want to wake up with smooth, nourished hands and feet? Before bed, add a bit of Bag Balm to your hands or feet (or both!) and then put on gloves or socks to sleep in. The next day, reveal softer and healthier skin!

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago