Missouri Star Quilting Company offers a wide range of reusable acrylic templates that are efficient, easy to use, and make for accurate cutting. Templates are an essential quilting tool for every level crafter. This Missouri Star quilt template is designed for use with 10-inch precut fabric squares. Intended to streamline your designs and offer minimal waste to get the most out of your fabric, this small Drunkards Path Quilting Template is 10” x 10” square with the cut out of 4.5”. Template measures 0.118” thick. Quilt template set includes 2 pieces and includes 1/4” seam allowance. **Please note that the template pieces are not designed to “connect” together. The seam allowance allows the fabric curves to fit together after they are sewn** Hopeful to inspire avid quilters and encourage beginners, the Missouri Star Quilt Company started as a family run business. After revolutionizing the quilting industry, they rapidly grew into a community. They connect with individuals around the world through tutorials that motivate creative minds to start something new. Based out of Hamilton, MO – also known as Quilt Town, USA – Missouri Star now offers the largest selection of precut fabrics in the world along high-quality quilting products and tools.
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