Ikimon Kitan Club Deep Sea Creature Rubber Toys, Version 1 - Blind Box Includes 1 of 8 Collectable Figurines - Fun and Educational - Authentic Japanese Design
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Ikimon Kitan Club Deep Sea Creature Rubber Toys, Version 1 - Blind Box Includes 1 of 8 Collectable Figurines - Fun and Educational - Authentic Japanese Design

Product ID: 45518115
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Discover, Study and Explore the Beauty of Nature!If we want future generations to protect and care about the environment, they need to connect with nature at an early age. And while the earth is filled with incredible wonders, it’s also home to many dangers, making it impossible for kids to explore firsthand.With Kitan Club’s Deep Sea Creature Plastic Toys, you can search the depths of the ocean without leaving home! This incredible series collects 8 of world’s most interesting underwater critters: a Giant Oarfis, a Coelacanths, a Frilled Shark, a Gigantocypris, a Phronima Sedentaria, an Umbrella Octopus and 2 Chrysomallon Squamiferum in brown and black. Uncover the mysteries of the deep!Inspired by the environment, our Technicolor Nature line makes an effective tool for education! Every piece is carefully designed to capture accurate colors and appearances. Kids are given a safe, up-close look at specimens, making studying hands-on and fun. The level of realism means these toys are a great addition to projects, lessons and dioramas, sparking a passion for preservation.For years, these beautiful toys were only available in Japan, where they’re designed and created. Now, Kitan Club has brought them to the United States, making them available to an international audience! Made with durable plastic, they’re as long-lasting as they are enchanting.Why Choose Our Nature Figurines?- Beautifully realistic designs- Make education fun and accessible- Encourage a connection with nature- Authentic Japanese design- Made with durable plasticOur Customer Service Team is Standing By!*Stock is limited. Order today to ensure availability.Order Your Collectable Toys Now and Connect with Nature!

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