WonDerfulCMiniature Wooden Dollhouse Japanese/Seaside/Car House Market DIY Doll House Kit Villa Building 3D Model Creative Gifts for Friend and Parents (RV Super Mini World B),TC series
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WonDerfulCMiniature Wooden Dollhouse Japanese/Seaside/Car House Market DIY Doll House Kit Villa Building 3D Model Creative Gifts for Friend and Parents (RV Super Mini World B),TC series

Product ID: 454634643
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Welcome to the world of AK Handmade Toy House full of imagination and fun! Become involved in creating a creative and imaginative toy house to help you calm down, relieve work pressure and promote brain development. Improve problem-solving skills, improve work efficiency, and even set an example for children. Completing this DIY toy house will allow you to enjoy the highest logical satisfaction. Its compact, lightweight nature and beautiful colors make this miniature dollhouse an absolute must. Great for living, study, bedroom, loft. Description: This wooden 3D puzzle model kit is made of advanced materials. Using non-toxic, eco-friendly, accurate and clean laser cutting technology, smooth edges, no burrs, safe to use. Materials: cloth, wood, paper, etc. Package Includes: 1. DIY House Kit includes all furniture and accessories shown in the picture. 2. Color visual instruction manual with pictures helps to assemble clearly step by step. 3. Most toy house kits are packed with musical movements and dust covers. Only a few dollhouses are too small to have a dust cover or music movement. Important Note: 1. Adhesives and batteries are not included. This is because air transportation is prohibited. 2. You will received the loose material package. The house kit requires DIY, polishing, gluing, assembly and modeling to complete the home furniture and accessories. 3. Required hand tools: scissors, knife, precision tweezers, screwdriver. 4. DIY Dollhouse Kit suitable for people over 14 years old. 5. If problems occur during assembly, such as damage or missing parts, we will replace them unconditionally. Please email us to give us the opportunity to resolve your issue.

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