HOBBYWING Ezrun MAX8 G2 Combo 4278SD-2250KV (2022)
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HOBBYWING Ezrun MAX8 G2 Combo 4278SD-2250KV (2022)

Product ID: 454334271
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Efficient cooling systemThe frameless fan design is a patented technology. The rapid transmission of internal heat to theintegrated housing radiator are made up of highairflow from the side of the fan and a copper thermalconduction sink on the internal power plate. Theseare built into high-reliability thermal systems toensure that it is always in good thermal condition. 1/8th brushless System Turbo TechnologyThe current brushless system is best paired with the EzRun 4278/4268SD G2 to achieve the maximum performance. The turbo parameter is adjustable from up to 32 degrees and the speed is significantly increased by up to 25%. Capacitor Thermal ProtectionCapacitor thermal protection implemented by the ESC willirreversible damage to the ESC due to overload. Super Internal BECThe built-in switch mode BEC with a maximum output of 15Aand voltage adjustable from 6V to 8.4V (step:0.1V) allowsthe use of various standard servos, high voltage servos. Built-in Big CapacitorThe ESC has three built-in 680uF capacitors, which increasesthe performance by 74% (870uF) compared to the MAX8 ESC. The ultra-large capacitors built onto the ESC also ensuresusers do not need to install external capacitors on their vehicles. Real-time data & data logging function, easy to get the power running status. After connecting the OTA module box, turn on real-time data recordingfunction to access the operating status. New sensored cable interfaceThe Max8 G2 ESC is equipped with a new type of sensored cable interface. It is high recommended to use the motors from Hobbywing as the waterproof protection level is at the highest level (IP67). FEATURES: - The ESC uses a special process, coupled wit

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