Recovery Tea - Support Relaxing Restoration of Achy Muscles and Joint Discomfort After Workout, Reduce Inflammation and Help Restore Energy. Calm Nerves and Relieve Stress - Tasty and Easy Brewing
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Recovery Tea - Support Relaxing Restoration of Achy Muscles and Joint Discomfort After Workout, Reduce Inflammation and Help Restore Energy. Calm Nerves and Relieve Stress - Tasty and Easy Brewing

Product ID: 450939432
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• POWER OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS THEORY - The Five Elements - WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER, or Wu Xing, is a Chinese philosophy that is used within the medical system of Traditional Chinese Medicine to describe cycles or patterns that exist in nature, in health, and in disease. The EARTH element is considered ‘the mother of all things’ as it gives birth to everything in nature. The Everlong Five Elements Tea series based on The Five Elements Theory. They nourish and balance the body in very specific ways, thereby improving organ function and building up a person’s constitution and immune system.• PROTECTION FROM EARTH ELEMENT - This harmonious blend Recovery infusion is made to provide all necessary natural herbal nutrients to recover you from daily stress and get replenished after intense sports activity, promote digestion and enhancing nutrient absorption. Simply introduce the refreshing Recovery Infusion after intense workout or study to soothing the nerves and ease you into a restful night. • FRESH FROM THE FRAM - We own and operate our own tea plantation farm and processing factory. Not only does this mean we know first-hand the feedback our customers respond - it also means we have greater control over producing and distributing. We research and understand every ingredients in this product - and we make sure each and every product good enough to keep you bought with everything you need.• DELICIOUS - The Recovery Infusion brings a refreshing and delicate fragrance that is smooth and long lasting. You will have a sweet tastes and pleasant cloves aroma with delicate peppermint flavor from your cup of Recovery Infusion. • SAFE - • 100% Natural Ingredients • No Artificial Additive or Color • No Sugars or Sweetener • Non-GMO • Gluten Free • Vegan • No Preservative • Contain Low Botanic Caffeine.

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