wananfu (100pcs-00 ) - 100 Holes (00 ) Capsule Filler With Tamper for Size 00 Capsules Holding Tray Capsule Filling Machine Pill Dispensers & Reminders
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wananfu (100pcs-00 ) - 100 Holes (00 ) Capsule Filler With Tamper for Size 00 Capsules Holding Tray Capsule Filling Machine Pill Dispensers & Reminders

Product ID: 449082098
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HOW TO USE THE CAPSULE FILLING MACHINE-----Part 1: Loading Capsule Body1. Selecting the body plate(elastic part), putting it in flat. 2. Putting the alignment plate(box shape part)on the body plate, then pouring 100 or more empty capsule bodies in it. 3. Holding both parts(alignment plate and body plate), then gently shaking from side to side. The capsules will fall into the body plate in order. 4. Removing the alignment plate. Pushing down the body plate to make sure if any capsules are the wrong way around. If any, upright these capsules.-----Part 2: Filling Capsules5. Pour your filling onto the capsules(body plate-elastic part), Spread around with the powder spreader to make sure the powder cover capsules evenly. 6. Using the Tamper, compact the filling gently.-----Part 3: Load Capsule Cap7. Put the alignment plate(Box shape part)on the cap plate,pour into 100 or more empty capsule caps.8. Hold both parts(alignment plate&cap plate)and gently shake from side to side,the caps will fall into the cap plate one by one. 9. Remove the alignment plate and adjust the incorrect capsule caps.Put the middle plate (yellow) on the cap plate.-----Part 4: Locking Capsule10. Hold both parts(middle plate&cap plate).Flip it upside down( 180°) to mate with the body plate(elastic part). 11.Push hard several times to connect the capsule halves together.12.Remove the cap and middle plate and ensure the capsules are properly closed. Pour out them from the middle plate.

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