Fox Dermal Curettes Dermatology 1mm-6mm ENT 6 Pcs Stainless Steel Instruments

Product ID: 44541768


🔍 Precision Meets Perfection in Every Procedure! Includes 1mm to 6mm options for diverse dermatological needs. Crafted to withstand the rigors of clinical environments. Experience unparalleled accuracy in every procedure. Designed to impress with a sleek, polished finish. Elevate your practice with instruments that reflect quality. ISO Certified Highly Polished Finish AISI 420 Steel The Fox Dermal Curettes set includes six premium stainless steel instruments, ranging from 1mm to 6mm, designed for dermatological procedures. Manufactured from AISI 420 German stainless steel, these tools conform to rigorous ISO and CE quality standards, ensuring durability and precision. Their highly polished finish not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also provides excellent corrosion resistance, making them a reliable choice for professionals.

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