TCA peels are known as medium peels. Very popular for treating skin of all colors. TCA can vary in strength depending on the need. From skin tone to imperfections to wrinkles and more. TCA can improve wrinkles by improving the collagen and elastin fiber of the skin by strengthening and repairing them. TCA is used to improve fine lines, discoloration due to over exposure to the sun, hormones and aging. TCA peels address these problems by removing the outer layer of skin and revealing a younger-looking skin below. In addition, the TCA peel stimulates new cells to grow, thereby tightening the skin and decreasing lines and wrinkles as well as softening acne scars depending on the depth and indentation. Please be sure your tca is medically pure and not industrial. Many sellers pass industrial for medical. Not THEORY
4 days ago
2 weeks ago