SewingRite Portable Folding Craft Table with Steel Legs for Silhouette Curio Cutting Machine, Black - Perfect for Home, Office and Business
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SewingRite Portable Folding Craft Table with Steel Legs for Silhouette Curio Cutting Machine, Black - Perfect for Home, Office and Business

Product ID: 443445043
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Who else wants a portable craft table that doubles as a drafting and fabric cutting surface? The table hold craft machines up to 25 lbs. You can use it for cutting and measuring your fabric. You no longer need a craft table and a cutting table. It's all in one! The sturdy steel legs give you a secure craft station. And the steel pins beneath the table keep it from folding under the pressure of your heavy craft cutting machine. Keep your craft space clean and tidy by simply folding up your table for storage when you're done. It's about the size of a card table and can slip in a closet or under a bed. SewingRite accommodates craft cutting machines no larger than: 17-1/2" wide, 7 3/8" deep (front to back).

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