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Product ID: 44187690
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What is quinoa? They don’t call it an ancient grain for nothing. Quinoa, pronounced keen-wa, is a flavorful, wholesome grain that was first cultivated in Bolivia thousands of years ago. Now, you may be asking yourself, “Is quinoa gluten-free?” Our answer: you bet your grains it is. Ancient Harvest quinoa is also organic, non-GMO and a good source of plant-based protein. So thanks to this legendary superfood, now you can invite total taste, versatility and nutrition to tonight’s kitchen table. Quinoa contains more high quality protein than any other grain. The National Academy of Sciences calls it one of the best sources of protein in the vegetable kingdom. Quinoa stands alone as a complete protein grain. It provides all the essential amino acids in a balanced pattern, close to the ideal set by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Quinoa is light, tasty and easy to digest. This delicate grain is much less filling than most other grains and pasta, and has a delicious nutty flavor all its own. Quinoa is quick and easy to prepare. Perfect for today's active lifestyle, quinoa can be served as a side dish, in soups, in salads, as a pilaf, or even as a nutritious breakfast cereal.

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