The suet log feeder will be a great attraction for your home backyard, or your workplace backyard as it will attract beautiful and unique birds like the pileated woodpecker, downy woodpecker, nuthatch, chickadee, titmice jays, flickers, grackles, kinglets, towhees, mockingbirds, warblers, and woodpeckers. The suet-eating birds are attracted to the wood while searching for food. This will be a plus point that the log feeder is made of natural wood and it will attract beautiful birds to eat from this. The suet log feeder will hold up to 3 or 4 birds, its size is 15 ″ long and its color is natural cedar wood white. The log feeder is multivalent as it works as a bird feeder and as an attractive addition to your backyard. This wooden piece will add an aesthetic look to your bird sanctuary. A hook and hanging cable is attached at the top of the suet log feeder so that you can hang it anywhere like the backyard or garden for the birds. The log feeder will coordinate with birds’ natural feeding behaviors. The birds will be very happy to eat food from this log feeder.
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